Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)

Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)

Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)

Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)

Service Information

Aims and Objectives 

  • Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET) was established in 1995 to enhance the employability of persons with disabilities through vocational training and to provide incentives to encourage employers to offer jobs to persons with disabilities to try out their working capabilities. 

Eligibility for the Service 

  • Persons with disabilities, aged 15 or above, are capable of self-care, and 
  • Persons with disabilities are unable to adjust to the open job market in the absence of employment support. 

Service Content

  1. Employment counseling and work skills training
  • Arrange job placement, such as job analysis and job matching; 
  • Provide support services including employment-related skills training, on-the-job coaching and supervision, job-related guidance and advice to the participants, their family members and the employers; 
  • Provide support services to participants matching with the changing needs of the labour market and the economy; and 
  • Allowance-generating work skills training (training allowance is in general calculated according to the kind of job training and the trainees’ participation). 

2. Job Attachment

  • The service operators will arrange job attachment for each participant. During the job attachment period, which is not more than three months, the participants who can fulfill the required attendance will have the job attachment allowance of $2,000 per month; 
  • After completing the job attachment, the participants will be assisted to find suitable job or job trial in the open market; and 
  • There is no employer-employee relationship between participants and organisations that provide job attachment opportunities. 

3. Job Trial

  • The employers can try out work abilities of the participants through job trial. During the job trial period, the employers will receive a wage subsidy equal to 50% of the actual wage paid to the participants with a ceiling of $4,000 a month, whichever is the lower, for a maximum period of 6 months; 
  • The participants under job trial should enjoy the status of employees and are entitled to the normal employment benefits as defined under Employment Ordinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance, etc; and 
  • Job trial may be skipped if the participants could secure an employment after the job attachment. 

4. Post-placement Service

  • No less than 12 months of post-placement service is provided to the participants to help them settle in employment. 

*Note: There is no employer-employee relationship between the service operators and the participants.

Free of Charge 

If you are interested in the service, please call the center to contact the duty social worker. 

If you are an employer and wish to hire persons with disabilities, please download the form for employing persons with disabilities. Return it to the center via email/fax/mail, or directly fill out the online form. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible. 

Online Form: https://forms.office.com/r/MkhT9PLaLJ


Youth Employment and Training Programme  (YETP)

Furthermore, we offer Youth Employment and Training Programme  (YETP) for young school leavers who aged 15-24. Employment training and counselling will be provided. For further details, please refer to our YETP sub-page. 

Youth Employment and Training Programme  (YETP)

Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) provides a comprehensive platform of job search with one-stop and diversified pre-employment and on-the-job training for the youth. This programme enables young people to better understand themselves and their work aptitudes while enriching their job skills and experience, so as to enhance their employability.

Generally, the services are classified into 5 aspects:

  1. Case management 
  • The trainees are provided with personalised career guidance, job search assistance, training and post‐employment support by professional social workers in the form of 12 months’ case management services.

2. Pre-employment Training 

  • The trainees are provided trainings for developing diverse skills which are practical and matching the needs of the job market. As a result, this could enrich the participants’ basic knowledge and skills of the industry, as well as grabbing the most updated information of the industry. 

3. Workplace Attachment 

  • According to the ability of the trainees, related workplace attachment opportunities are offered. Trainees are eligible for WPA training allowance of $7,300 provided that they complete the training with an attendance rate of 80% or above.

For some positions, trainees might get employed if they have an outstanding performance during the workplace attachment. 

4. On-the-Job Training 

  • Trainees are possibly engaged as employees under on-the-job training of 6 to 12 months with salary. In this way, they are facilitated in gaining working experiences and strengthening their occupational skills, so as to enriching their experiences and employability.

 5. Post-employment support 

  • Assisting the newly employed trainees in adapting the work, including dealing with issues associated with the relationship between the trainees and their colleagues, the communication between the trainees and the employers, and the trainees’ working attitude.  

Our target group:

  • Aged 15-24 
  • Young school leavers with educational attainment at sub-degree level or below 
  • Holders of Hong Kong permanent identity cards and could be legally employed in Hong Kong 

Applicants can get the application form from our centre or download the application form and send it to Room 317, 3/F, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

For further details of the programme, please browse the YETP website https://www.yes.labour.gov.hk/Home, or please feel free to contact us. 

Tel: 36891613

Email: yetp@hkphab.org.hk

If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact our staff. 

What's New

Contact information

Tel: 2551 4226

Email: set@hkphab.org.hk

Fax: 2875 0209

Address: Room 104-105, Shing Tsui House, Wan Tsui Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Youth Employment and Training Programme  (YETP)

Tel: (852) 3689 1613
Fax: (852) 3011 5752

Email:  yetp@hkphab.org.hk

Address: Room 317, 3/F, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

Office Hours

In view of our employment training and the needs of job attachment, we have renewed our opening hours. Since 1st May 2019, our services have been divided into two main parts, i.e. centre services and outreaching services. 

Regarding the centre services, we will provide counselling, group activities and training programme in our centre. As for the outreaching services, we will provide job attachment, trade-fair selling training and parenting activities etc. 

The most updated service hours: 

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9am – 5:30 pm (Lunch hour: 12:30pm – 1:30 pm)
Saturday Outreaching services: Depending on job attachment, training and activity time (our centre will be closed)
Closed on Sunday & Public Holidays