Playing in a Band: Alleviating Our Worries

The most bothersome things in the world are often not the issues themselves, but rather interpersonal relationships. No matter how difficult the situation is, there is always a solution. However, dealing with people and relationships is a much greater and more challenging endeavor. The band "Adagio", consisting of five members named Ho Yin, Ma Chai, Jasmine, Kan, and Howie, from the Jockey Club Shatin Integrated...

"Kicking Away Troubles"

As people grow older, their bodies tend to cause trouble. Different ailments strike, and there's always a part of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, or kidneys acting up. Joints and muscles ache and tighten, causing annoyance! Not everyone can face the decline of their bodies. Some refuse to acknowledge aging and continue indulging in worldly pleasures. Others lament their fate, even excessively fearing it, stocking...

Finding Solace in Sunsets

People rarely take the time to look up and appreciate the daily rhythm of sunrise and sunset. Even when we do catch a glimpse, we quickly capture it on social media and then bury ourselves in the demands of everyday life. However, Joseph has developed an affection for sunsets, making it a weekly ritual to admire their beauty. He believes that "One sunset at a...

"Dancing Away Worries"

"In this world, what isn't bothersome? Everything seems troublesome, but as soon as I hear the word 'dance,' all my troubles fade away, and I must go." Olivia, has been using a wheelchair for over 20 years, but she has been dancing for nearly 20 years as well. Being in a wheelchair brings many inconveniences to her life, making mobility difficult. However, dancing in her...

"Stretching Away Troubles"

"I used to be a machine, devoid of emotions, only seeing the pile of work in front of me and constantly working," said Po, a yoga instructor. Perhaps many working individuals in Hong Kong, consciously or unconsciously, see themselves as machines, constantly striving and outputting every second. As a result, they accumulate physical ailments over time. So, they go on trips to Japan to recharge,...

Stress Relief Coloring - "Dear Myself" Self-care Promotion Campaign - (Artwork Collection)

Do you have a good friendship with yourself? Do you take good care of your inner self and prioritize self-care? The Hong Kong PHAB Association's "Dear Myself" Self-care Promotion Program aims to promote health messages of self-care within the community through a series of activities and exhibitions, embarking on a journey of self-care together with you. Research has shown that coloring for 10 minutes a...