Ticket No. Ticket No.1st Prize0773011th Prize081162nd Prize0457912th Prize033173rd Prize1406813th Prize085954th Prize1627014th Prize213405th Prize1306515th Prize013836th Prize0907916th ...Territory-wide Flag Day ...
Hong Kong PHAB Association will conduct a territory-wide Flag Day on 27th January 2024. The funds raised will be used to support daily operation and improvements in facilities and equipment of...PHAB Raffle Ticket 2023/24
Mission of HKPHAB: To promote the PHAB concept which is to enable persons with or without disabilities of all ages to participate in all kinds of social, recreational, developmental, education...PHAB Inclusion & Car...
金門建築義工活動「傷健共融顯關懷」 Hong Kong PHAB Association, in collaboration with Gammon Construction Company Limited on a voluntary visit on September 16, 2023. Corporate volunteers interac...New milestone for PHAB’s...
融.點地區支援中心(南區)正式主駐鴨脷洲利東邨 i-Point District Support Centre (Southern) officially launched Embarking on the 51st year of services, Hong Kong PHAB Association (the Associat...PHAB Discovery Challenge...
To raise public awareness for building an inclusive and accessible community, the Hong Kong PHAB Association has created a "PHAB Village" at the Jockey Club PHAB Camp. The Association encourag...