PHAB Raffle Ticket 2021/22
Mission of HKPHAB: To promote the PHAB concept which is to enable persons with or without disabilities of all ages to participate in all kinds of social, recreational, developmental, education...Li Kwan Hung Education F...
The Late Mr. Li Kwan Hung, MBE, JP was one of the founders of the Hong Kong PHAB Association (the Association) and was its chairman since the inception of the Association in 1972 until his retire..."Zero to Hero"Movie Char...
Hong Kong PHAB Association held a Charity Special Screening of Movie "Zero to Hero", on 20th Aug, 2021. Nearly 150 guests watched the movie together at K11 Musea MCL Art House, Tsim Sha Tsui. ...Peng Chau Caring Shop, M...
Neighbourhood helping each other can better unleash the spirit of unity and harmony. Peng Chau Neighbourhood Elderly cum Children/Youth Centre, “Happy Ageing in Peng Chau” held the “Peng Chau ...Thanks to Valoot Technol...
Lack of wheelchairs is one of the obstacles for people who are physically impaired, especially when they go out for medical consultations or social activities. Wheelchairs enable disabled memb...PHAB Mobile Pain Centre ...
PHAB Mobile Pain Centre Opening Ceremony